

Robotics Day 2018

The European Robotics Week offers every year one week of various robotics related activities across Europe for the general public, highlighting the growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas.
The Week also aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) related fields.
Robotics is one of the main lines of research at the Politecnico since 1973. The multi-disciplinary activities in the field of robotics is mainly carried out by the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), and by the Dipartimento di Meccanica, through the work of a few specialized laboratories:

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San Raffaele Research Hospital

Students of the NeuroEngineering course visiting the facilities of the Center for Experimental Imaging of the San Raffaele Research Hospital.

Bridge presented to Telethon foundation

On April, 3rd the Bridge project has been introduced to the president of Telethon foundation, Eng. Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, and the general manager, Dr. Francesca Pasinelli, at the Politecnico di Milano campus in Lecco. The event has occurred during the press conference concluding the Telethon fundraising in the area of Lecco, where the campaign has obtained the highest support in Italy.

Robotics Day 2016

During the European Robotics week, Politecnico di Milano organizes an open day at the Robotics laboratories, including NearLab. This year, we presented three demos to the visitors, showing how robots can be used for neurorehabilitation.