Simona Ferrante,
Associate professor
Biomedical Engineer
Research Areas:
Rehabilitation Robotics, Digital Health
Polimi Campus Colombo
3rd Floor, building 32.2
Via Colombo 40, 20133, Milan, Italy
+39 02 2399 9004
Simona Ferrante received the M.S. degree in biomedical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in bioegineering from the Politecnico di Milano, in 2002 and 2006, respectively.
She is an Associate Professor at the Electronics Information and Bioengineering Department, Politecnico di Milano, where she teaches e-health methods, Capstone Projects and Progetto [Informazione]. Her research activities are carried out at the Neuroengineering and Medical Robotics Laboratory (NearLab) in the field of neurorehabilitation, functional electrical stimulation and e-health. She is mainly focused on the development and validation of technologies for the rehabilitation, the transparent monitoring and the assessment of neurological patients and fragile people.
Interests & Projects
She was the principal investigator of a project funded by the Ministry of Health (GR-2010-2312228) and has been involved in several projects (MUNDUS, EU-FP7 ICT; RETRAINER, H2020 IA ICT). She was the responsible for Politecnico di Milano for the European project MOVECARE (g.a 732158) and for the national project (STRIVE, GR-2016-02365049). She is currently the coordinator of the European Project ESSENCE (g.a. 101016112) and responsible for Politecnico di Milano of the national project STRIVE. She is co-author of more than 80 papers in international journals indexed in Scopus (H-index 26, 2022).
Courses held
Bachelor of Science courses
L’insegnamento Progetto [Informazione] ha lo scopo di sviluppare la capacità di applicare la formazione maturata nel triennio, mediante lo svolgimento autonomo di un tema progettuale. Viene data importanza anche alla capacità di interazione in lavoro di squadra e di presentazione del lavoro svolto e dei risultati raggiunti. All’inizio dell’insegnamento gli studenti vengono suddivisi in gruppi di lavoro e ad ogni gruppo viene assegnato un progetto che verte sui seguenti temi: sviluppo di metodi di elaborazione di dati diagnostici e fisiologici, estrazione di parametri, classificazione, trattamento di informazioni biologiche e mediche e dei relativi aspetti organizzativi, approfondimenti teorici e pratici sulla sensoristica e la strumentazione biomedicale per la misura e il monitoraggio di parametri vitali, per la valutazione funzionale di sistemi fisiologici, per uso terapeutico e di supporto funzionale.
L’insegnamento prevede 2 CFU erogati con Didattica Innovativa: Soft Skills.
Master of Science courses
e-Health is defined as the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for health. In the context of ageing population and increase in chronic patients-related healthcare expenditure, ICT represents a key component for ensuring quality, safety, access and efficiency, also stimulating new paradigms of care, from a paternalistic to a collaborative model, from acute care to prevention. The goal of the course is to enable students with relevant tools and concepts that are needed to master the complexity of ICT in healthcare in this continuously evolving field. Through the course, structured in two parts, Methods and Applications, which are interleaved throughout the semester, also practical projects will be proposed to groups of students, to stimulate their problem-solving, and giving an opportunity to present and discuss their work to an audience.
Innovation in teaching modality will be also utilized during the class.
The course is aimed at teaching students how to be critical thinkers able to apply their knowledge to solve a real-problem coming from an external stakeholder such as a company. Students will work in groups under the joint supervision of a company and an academic tutor. The proposing company defines specific objectives and expected results (project briefs) that should be achieved by the group during the course. The students will learn how to identify needs, define functional and technical specifications, design prototypes and validate their design. Special attention will be devoted to develop in students: i) a sense of personal responsibility with respect to the project goal, ii) the ability to collaborate in team iii) the communication ability required to present their project. Indeed, students will attend project-advancement meeting to present project deliverables and milestones specifically suited for each individual project. A final dissemination meeting will be held where every team will present their achievements.The course project activity could be held within Politecnico and company laboratories, if necessary and according to companies’ availability.
The course involves 2 innovative teaching CFUs